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A Brief Review of Fair Use in Litigation

No, Dr. Smith, producing the articles you relied on for your expert testimony would not be copyright infringement. A Brief Review of Fair Use in Litigation By A. Scott Ross Litigate long enough and eventually you will hear it. You request a key document and get the response: “Sorry, that document

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Bitcoin, Ether, Cryptocurrency & Such

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Bill Ramsey & Phillip Hampton Yes, we know—Cryptocurrency is not a “gadget.” We do love our gadgets, but we love money, too, because it can buy us more gadgets. So, writing about Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrency seems a natural fit for our monthly gadget. And, since this topic is so nerdy, it really appeals

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N&H Hosts Watergate CLE and an Evening with John Dean

John Dean, former legal counsel to President Richard Nixon, presented his Watergate CLE on the morning of August 29, 2017, and then unearthed part of Neal & Harwell’s history at a reception hosted at the firm later that evening.  Transformed from star witness to historian of an era that altered

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