
A Brief Review of Fair Use in Litigation

No, Dr. Smith, producing the articles you relied on for your expert testimony would not be copyright infringement. A Brief Review of Fair Use in Litigation By A. Scott Ross Litigate long enough and eventually you will hear it. You request a key document and get the response: “Sorry, that document is ‘copyrighted.’ Making a copy […]

Bitcoin, Ether, Cryptocurrency & Such


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Bill Ramsey & Phillip Hampton Yes, we know—Cryptocurrency is not a “gadget.” We do love our gadgets, but we love money, too, because it can buy us more gadgets. So, writing about Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrency seems a natural fit for our monthly gadget. And, since this topic is so nerdy, it really appeals to us.